Verstehe ich nicht?
Die MX Records sind korrekt gesetzt. Der eine auf NSP und die 2te Domain auf Microsoft365
Ich habe die MX-Records noch einmal überprüfe. Die sind beide korrekt!
Aber es kommt beim Absender die E-Mail zurück mit der Nachricht:
Die folgende Organisation hat Ihre Nachricht abgelehnt:
(Das ist auch die Domain im MX-Record.
Diagnoseinformationen für Administratoren:
Generierender Server:
Remote Server returned '554 5.0.0 < #5.0.0 smtp; 550 5.7.51 TenantInboundAttribution; There is a partner connector configured that matched the message's recipient domain. The connector had either the RestrictDomainsToIPAddresses or RestrictDomainsToCertificate set []>'
Es wurde ja ein PowerShell Skript von NSP bei der Installation ausgeführt.
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
dann wurde das PowerShell Script von NoSpamProxy ausgeführt
Wir drehe ich das wieder zurück?
OK, ich denke das Script hat nur die Connectoren und die Regel gesetzt.
Hier ist das Script:
# This script configures the routing between NoSpamProxy and your Office 365 installation.
# Review each command carefully and do not execute it unless you understand its implications.
if (!(Get-Command Connect-ExchangeOnline -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Host "It looks like the ExchangeOnlineManagement CmdLets not installed. These are required to use Microsofts Exchange Online PowerShell V2 modules."
Write-Host "Further Information can be found here: and here:"
Write-Host "Please install those modules. You can use `'Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement`' for installation."
"This script is an aid for customising e-mail routing in Exchange-Online."
"Execute it only if you are aware of its effects and check the content for correctness."
"You are solely responsible for all consequences of the execution."
$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($null, 'Do you want to proceed?', ('&Yes', '&No'), 1)
if ($decision -ne 0) {
"Connecting to Exchange Online..."
Connect-ExchangeOnline -ShowBanner:$false
"Configuring Exchange routing..."
# Create an inbound connector that accepts emails from NoSpamProxy
$inboundConnector = New-InboundConnector -Name "From NoSpamProxy" -TlsSenderCertificateName -RequireTls $true -SenderDomains * -RestrictDomainsToCertificate $true -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Create an outbound send connector to route all outbound emails via NoSpamProxy
$outboundConnector = New-OutboundConnector -Enabled $true -IsTransportRuleScoped $true -Name "To NoSpamProxy" -TlsSettings DomainValidation -TlsDomain -ConnectorType Partner -SmartHosts -UseMXRecord $false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Disable Office 365 anti spam filtering for inbound emails
$inboundRule = New-TransportRule -SetSCL "-1" -FromScope NotInOrganization -Name "Disable Spam filtering for inbound emails" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Create a transport rule to route all outbound emails through the connector created above
$outboundRule = New-TransportRule -Name "Outbound Mails to NoSpamProxy" -SentToScope NotInOrganization -RouteMessageOutboundConnector "To NoSpamProxy" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -Confirm:$false
if (!$inboundConnector){
Write-Host -ForegroundColor "red" "Failed to create the inbound connector."
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor "green" "Successfully created the inbound connector."
if (!$outboundConnector){
Write-Host -ForegroundColor "red" "Failed to create the outbound connector."
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor "green" "Successfully created the outbound connector."
if (!$inboundRule) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor "red" "Failed to create the inbound transport rule."
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor "green" "Successfully created the inbound transport rule."
if (!$outboundRule) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor "red" "Failed to create the outbound transport rule."
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor "green" "Successfully created the outbound transport rule."